RA-7 Protocol Droid (5)
Basic info

First appearance: A New Hope
Relations: Arakyd Industries


The RA-7 protocol droid was a fifth-degree primary, low-intelligence model of protocol droid produced by Arakyd Industries specifically for the Galactic Empire. The prototype model was developed during Clone Wars or even earlier, and sported RA-model head mounted on Cybot Galactica protocol droid body. Humanoid in shape with an insectoid head, and similar in build to the 3PO-series of protocol droids, the RA-7 was covered in reflective plating and commonly found in the offices of high-ranking Imperial officials, military officers, courtiers, and Coruscant dignitaries. It was intended to help its owner with scheduling and translating. Unlike 3PO-series with their delicate personalities, RA-7s were programmed to be "stern," but bland. It had a secret surveillance system installed in its head, hidden beneath layers of benign cognitive circuitry. The espionage unit was hidden behind sensor bafflers that were disguised as soldering welds. It would record everything using extremely sensitive audio pickups and low-light photoreceptors and would make periodic dumps of data via encrypted frequencies on standard public comm units to the Imperial Security Bureau. As the first Death Star came online, the Bureau grew concerned that Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin would attempt to use the superweapon to overthrow the Empire. Unable to trust the Grand Moff or any of his subordinates, the Bureau stationed thousands of RA-7 droids on the Death Star, earning them the nickname "Death Star droids."

Known members or units


Complete list

RA-7 Death Star Protocol Droid Imperial Droid (SW17) Death Star Droid (69862) 4A-7 (CW13) 30th Anniversary Collection : Comic Pack : Boba Fett & RA-7 Droid
SWM Knights of the Old Republic
WEG RPG : Imperial Forces Collector's Set
The Power of the Force
The Clone Wars (2009)
30th Anniversary Collection : Comic Packs : Exclusives
RA-7 Death Star Protocol Droid
Imperial Droid (SW17)
Death Star Droid (69862)
4A-7 (CW13)
30th Anniversary Collection : Comic Pack : Boba Fett & RA-7 Droid
69862 / 69705
91221 / 87638
87560 / 87557
Escape from Death Star
Tags (2)

MSE-series Droid | Escape from Death Star

Tags (7)

4A-7 | Skywalker, Anakin | Tano, Ahsoka | Togruta | Rotta the Hutt | Hutt | Battle of Teth

Fett, Boba

Last updated: 21.08.2021 10:34:55